I was recently involved in setting up a complex load balanced Auto-scaling multi server setup and to make life easy I wanted to set a header that contained the servers hostname so it was clear which server behind the load balancer satisfied each request.

I thought this would be easy... Not so much! But I managed it and here's how...

Super capacitors are awesome, cheap, easily obtainable and can be a little dangerous. They have a massive energy density and are willing to give up their energy very VERY quickly.

You don't have to discharge all this energy all at once, as fun as sublimating copper and throwing sparks is, they can be discharged at any rate, meaning you could connect it up to an LED to power it forever more, or for example a Pi for a good while.

So I gave it a go and it worked!

I maintain and work on a number of repositories on BitBucket for both work and in my own time and use a separate account for each. SSH is used to talk with the remotes and I use my Multi SSH Key Manager to manage the keys.

The problem with this is that the remotes for all BitBucket repos have the same username and server git@bitbucket.org and as soon as I associate a key for git@bitbucket.org with my work account, I can't associate it with my personal account.

I could link the accounts together and then they could both use the same key but I want to keep them separate, so I needed to find a way of telling Git to use a certain key with a certain remote.

Here's how I did it...